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Ways to feel okay being a short woman

As petite women, we tend to put ourselves down for being short. However, I believe there are many reasons why being a shorter woman isn't as bad as you think.

Hopefully at the end of this read you will start feeling better (:

"Short girls matter"

Although many tend to overlook shorter women, it is a good reminder to know that you do matter. We have to realize that we can not completely change the views of others but we can change the views of ourselves.

I find the most unique quality of a person isn't how they look but how they carry themselves through life. When you are faced in an uncomfortable situation, judged or joked about because of your height, allow it to strengthen you instead of breaking you.

I myself have intentionally put myself in uncomfortable situations because I knew it would help me grow. I wouldn't be the person that I am today without the obstacles I was able to overcome. For instance, I knew that although I was going to be the shortest girl in a beauty pageant competition, I still reminded myself that I am capable of carrying out the title. I didn't allow the judgement of others get in my head. This is why I say "short girls matter" because regardless of the outside views of others, it doesn't mean you are any less.

If she could do it, so can I !

I find it is so important to find influential people that you could look up to. Whether they may be someone close to you or celebrity status. There is nothing more motivating and uplifting than to find a person who could help push you to become greater.

"When you are inspired, you will want to inspire." - Petitegrls

I was never great with positive self-talk and it took me a while to rewire my own mindset. However I didn't do it alone. I was so starstruck and inspired by many talented, sophisticated and well respected women leaders. It wasn't until then I knew "if she could do it, so can I. '' I realized that we all have goals and dreams but until we can find a way to get them going, they will remain just goals and dreams.

The more you can embody your strengths, talents and uniqueness, the more confident and happier you will feel about yourself. Remember your height should never be something that holds you back from your goals.

You exist for a reason...

You are born into this world for a reason and it is important you look at your life as a gift. There is only one of you and no one else should hinder that.

If not back then, the time is now to look at life through a different lens. Live your life on your own terms, the way you always have wanted it to be. Whether it is working towards feeling more happy, becoming your own boss or creating your own lane. Do it now and do it with all the confidence I know you have. You got this.

We are all insecure, whether it is big or small.

Everyone, yes everyone has insecurities. It is what makes us humans and it is perfectly okay to admit them. However, don't allow your insecurities to control you and your life.

I have faced many different types of insecurities, from thinking I am too shy to feeling like I am too skinny. I began to go into a deep rabbit hole of more things I disliked about myself. It was then I became broken with who I was. Depression came in like a storm and I hit rock bottom so fast I couldn't even find a way to get back up. As I look back, I realized what I did wrong was allow my insecurities to control me rather than make mends with them. There was a changing point in my life where I was tired of how I was feeling. I didn't like wasting my time being sad and anxious about myself. From that moment I knew if I wanted to feel happy and whole again I had to put in the work.

Realizing your insecurities can turn into your strengths.

I was always super shy and never wanted to speak in a room full of people. However, I always knew I had a voice to speak about the things that I care about. Within a year, I was speaking in front of my company and creating change in areas that were overlooked. I knew I had it in me but what helped me overcome this was to finally embrace who I was and working towards who I wanted to become.

I was skinny and underweight for most of my life. I never thought I would be able to do anything about it. However I became more curious about strength training and decided to hire myself a personal trainer. From there I became much more discipline, stronger and happier within 6 months of commitment and consistency.

It really takes just you to turn things around. It doesn't matter what your insecurities may be, what matters is not allowing them to control you.

Change your narrative

I find the most joy you could get out of being a short woman is to find a way to embrace it.

Height tends to be a huge factor in certain arenas however it doesn't mean it should get in your way.

The best part about life is that you are in control & you have the power to change it. When it comes to feeling "small" in areas of your life, you also have the power to improve it. Whether you feel small in your work place or small when you enter a room. If you could change the narrative into more uplifting and positive messages, you'll be surprised how much more confident you will feel. The way you speak to yourself is as important as your physical health. If you continue to abuse it, the more damaging it will be.

Find a passion or hobby out of it

Finding ways to enjoy who you are is so important. Sometimes we tend to get caught up trying to become someone that we are not. It not only takes up so much of our energy but it also can cause us to feel more depressed with ourselves.

The best way to become happy is to discover new things that bring out the best in you. Whether it is painting, snowboarding or styling outfits. When you are able to become passionate and excited about something, you then realize that height isn't something that should get in your way.


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