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Embracing yourself, as a petite!

As beauty trends become every girl's obsession, we tend to overlook the beauty that lies within us. We race to look a certain way & get caught up trying to fit into the unrealistic beauty standards made by women we admire by afar. Now then ever, that obsession has become an unhealthy reality for so many of us.

We question every thing about our bodies down to the nitty gritty and give no room for any appreciation of what we already have.

Unfortunately these questions are making us more unhappy and less likely to love and embrace who we already are as petite women. I find we all want to love ourselves but not know how to. Especially with all of the trends and pressure we get as being women.

As someone who became obsessed trying to fit the mold of the current beauty standards, I lost touched of my own natural beauty. It was until I caught myself in this unhealthy cycle that I learned to redirect my attention into self love and improvement.

To begin, I find the first step to be the most simple but difficult to do, accept yourself.

Yes. Self acceptance is really important when it comes to loving yourself, for the good and imperfect. Sometimes we get so caught up with trying to become perfect and forget to pause to reflect on our current self.

I've had the habit of trying to be perfect and I realized it was really not healthy for my mental and physical well being. Instead of continuing this cycle, I focused on things that made me grow, like getting stronger physically and learning about investing into the stock market.

Those things alone gave me a sense of power from within. I was able to redirect myself to things that would give me more confidence internally. I began to realize that nothing feels greater than recognizing your own power.

Once you don't focus much on your imperfections or things you want to change, the clearer your mind will be.

The next is to choose yourself.

Choose yourself over the model you wish you could look like or the friend who seems to have the perfect life.

It is okay to admire or look up to someone for what they have accomplished or done. However when it becomes an obsession, envy or jealously, it makes you loose sight of who you are.

When you choose yourself, you are putting yourself first.

You have to support yourself when others don't, love yourself when you feel at your worst and you have to care for yourself when no one is watching.

I've learned that in order for me to become truly content with who I am, I must put myself first and remember how worthy I am. I have to be kind to myself and make sure that no matter what, I will not let others take away my own power.

Once you are able to accept and put yourself first, it is important to embrace being you...

Embrace yourself as a petite and love every ounce of it.

We tend to look at the struggles we face as petite women however what about what makes us special?

I've had my own share of insecurities as a petite but overtime I realized I can't do much about my height rather I need to just embrace it for what it is.

Although I am short and people look at me as a teenager, I come to realize that is okay. I can never change the views of everyone but I can change how I view myself. If I can embrace who I am, the more happier I will feel about myself.

Photo by: Peititegrl @ Labelswithlattes

Want to hear more how other petite women defied the odds and made their dreams happen?

Read their stories here:


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