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How to level up your life, as a petite woman

Founder of Petitegrls, Cathie Pham

If you have not already watched my first video please do so, it was old but the advice is useful.

In part 2 I am going to go more in depth of how you can build more confidence and happiness as a petite woman.

First I find it is important to be selective of your choices. As someone who used to give into everything, I found I spread myself so short and it never allowed me to have boundaries. This tip applies for every lady out there but I am reiterating it to my petitegrls because it is really important. Realize that you don't have to do EVERYTHING to fit in or to have people like you. Realize that you can not please everybody, even if you tried... Keep your options limited and only make time for things you actually want to do.

As a petite, sometimes we feel like we have to do more to fit in/stand out. We arent taken seriously because people perceive us as weak, young or small. When we begin to set boundaries for ourselves and not give in to everything, the more we can respect ourselves. The better we can also create space for the things we want, such a speaking your own opinion, leading and most importantly being yourself.

The next tip is to create your own style. In part one I mentioned how presentation is super important but as a petite, it is far more important to know how to dress well. When you are able to distinguish your own style, you are able to dress with confidence. This is why I enjoy creating styling content for you, because I know it will help in some way. When I started to invest and put time into dressing well I felt powerful, sexy and confident. Dressing good attracts good energy so imagine what you can attract. Whether you are just getting into highschool or you are in your mid 20’s like me, having a good taste in fashion will be beneficial in the long run. Real life example was how I was more respected as well as taken seriously when I was well dressed versus when I wore a hoodie and no makeup. I became manager for two companies, and I believed dressing good helped keep me respected by my peers and executives. Of course it is not all you need to land a good position but it definitely helps.

I think when it comes to honing your own style, remember to find things that flatter well with your body type. As petites it can be more difficult but its not impossible. If you are trying to redo your style or wardrobe, a suggestion is to find form fitted things, or at least tailored pieces. I would avoid baggy or loose things, that will just make you look more younger and less put together.

Next tip, set goals and be ambitious. When you have goals and go after them, you are busy and focused. I think when you are adulting as a woman we tend to overlook this and get pulled into parties, dating/relationships and fitting in. As someone who has experienced all of this already, I saw very little in return. Instead of trying to fit in or get into a relationship, why wont you become the woman of your dreams?

For instance, I have always wanted to work for myself, run my own business & start a platform. I want the nice car, the dream bag and my own place. It is still a journey but I have always worked towards it. I think living an average lifestyle has its perks but when you can live how you want, that is a luxury in itself.

Moving to the next tip, create a luxury night/morning regime. This doesnt mean buying super expensive products but its a perk to invest in good products. However the focus is to lather yourself and do something that makes you feel good, both inner and outer. When I created a easy yet luxury morning and night regime, I felt really healthy and relaxed. Whether I am in a rush or I am really tired, having a luxury regime has been rewarding.

Last tip, get involved. This can be getting involved at your local charity, helping stray animals, creating a community, the key is to open up and build a connection outside your friends and family. This not only helps you meet like minded people but it will get you to discover things you didnt know before.

Goodluck Petitegrls!


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